Wednesday, August 28, 2013


As I mentioned on Monday, I never really felt like I fit in the "crowd" in high school.  I had one truly good friend, Sandra, who was the closest thing to a sister I had as an almost-only-child (I have a half brother, but he is over a decade younger than me).  But my childhood was a fairly lonely one.  I had many cousins who were older than me.  Lonely.

Motherhood brought a common threads and some great friends, but I didn't really find my inner self until I joined Team Tough Chik in the middle of last year.  Suddenly, I found a sisterhood of people as crazy as I am.  I realized many of the insecurities that I thought were mine alone were shared with women of all shapes and sizes.  Women who had reached incredible physical goals.  It was because of that team that I really began to find myself.  And as I posted on Monday, it is a place where I always feel empowered, and never feel judged.  No one will laugh at me if I have a bad workout day, and everyone there understands the obsession.  I don't have to explain to these women that I'd rather go to bed early than go out and have a good time. 

This summer Tough Chik announced they would have an ambassador program.  I'm totally stoked that I was among one of the ten awesome Team Tough Chik members chosen. 
Because Tough Chik is so much more than a brand.  Its a mantra, a way of life . . . its remembering that what we are, AS we are, is enough.  THIS IS WHAT TOUGH LOOKS LIKE.  Its not "This is what tough looks like with ten extra pounds," or "This is what tough looks like, except I didn't have time to put makeup on."  Its an absolute.  You, as you are now, is exactly what tough looks like.  You may not be perfect, but you are you, and that is exactly what you should be.  THIS IS WHAT TOUGH LOOKS LIKE.  So, yeah, BEYOND excited to have a hand in spreading that kind of movement into the world. Because you can't beat sisterhood.

1 comment:

  1. I am an almost only child too...half brother who I only met twice....I was such a book worm as a kid and I do know how to play most board games by myself and still not cheat :) LOL Even Clue. The friends I did have were mostly guys so having this group of women to talk to has been a huge blessing.
