Tuesday, July 30, 2013

In Your Own Skin

I’m speaking mostly to my female readers here. Maybe some of the men can relate, but I don’t really know because, well, I’ve never been a man.  

Being uncomfortable in your own skin isn’t fun.

Its not fun to compare how you look to how everyone around you looks.  Its not fun to look in the mirror and see only the things you want to change about yourself.

The thing that most of us (women) don’t realize is that we are not alone in feeling like that.  I used to think that I was alone in the insecurity of my body—that those insecurities were the burden of only those who were overweight.  Until I realized every woman around me had them.  Some of us just hide them better than others.  We all manifest our insecurities differently. 

It is a true, extraordinary challenge to truly be comfortable in your own skin—to see strength and beauty instead of flaws. Amanda over at Run To The Finish posted this great image. 

And she is so right.  Flaws make us real.  Our stretch marks and our extra skin and our scars tell our story.  
It tells the story of where we came from.  The journey we've taken. 

Learn to love yourself. Stop looking at the flaws.  See your strengths.  Because you are strong.  And you are worth it.   That moment when you truly believe those things is the moment you will be comfortable in your own skin.

That feeling is unlike anything else in the world.


  1. Great post, Ang! And you're absolutely right, everyone has insecurities. Don't forget it's okay to "fake it til you make it" and move forward pretending to be confident and before you know it, that confidence will be real.

    Another tip I like to give, stand close (or around) the loudest most infectious person in the room. Their energy is contagious and you'll forget about your insecurities while being entertained & laughing at their silliness. And you'll also learn a few things about socializing and entertaining a group, handy thing to be able to make a group of people laugh and forget about their own insecurities.

    We're all sisters here. Lets work together to make EVERYONE feel good/worthy!!

  2. My problem is that I *know* I am a good person, I *know* I am not some disgusting beast, I *know* my husband and even others find me beautiful but I just don't *feel* it. I obsess over it and it just brings me to a very bad place in my own head.
