Monday, August 12, 2013

Less is more

As we get ready to start the 2013-2014 school year, I'm subscribing to the idea that LESS in life is a good thing.  We've spent the better part of this week going through the too-much-stuff we own and weeding it out.  Organizing.  Cleaning.

We live in a society of excess--we like to have too much stuff.  I've been intrigued by the idea of minimalist living (Simple Mom, anyone?), but we hardly live a minimalist life.  It was a cathartic process this week to weed out the things that our household does not need, organize what we have, and get the house ready for what is sure to be a crazy end of year.  Because balancing 2 work schedules, two crazy training schedules, a child in preschool and a child doing virtual school from home is going to require a home that is easy to pick up at the end of a crazy day.

I've been stuck on philosophies lately.  There are so many simple phrases that can help keep your life full and enjoyable.  Remembering to find the joy is one of those philosophies.  The idea of LESS IS MORE is certainly another. Its a philosophy that we can improve our lives with--not just our every day grind, but also our training. 

Of course, less is more when it comes to our things.  If we have too many things, we become overwhelmed by how much there is.  We tend to use what we have less, and therefore enjoy it less.  Who HASN'T been overwhelmed by the huge stacks of stuff in their house that needs to be organized/cleaned/put away/etc. etc. etc.  

When it comes to running, we always want to be the fastest, but we need to remember that sometimes slowing down and simply enjoying the run is important.  Remember its not ALWAYS about how far you go, or how fast.  
  • Occasionally, its okay to leave the GPS at home and just go for the joy of it.   LESS IS MORE.
  • Sometimes, its okay to miss your distance goal, if it means you are listening to your body.  Yes, running is mind over matter, but you have to listen to what your body is telling you.  Listening can mean the difference between an injury with a long recovery period and just having a mediocre run.  LESS IS MORE.
  • The long run is about building the slow twitch muscles fibers that allow your body to go the distance.  If you try to run fast while doing it, it sort of defeats the purpose.  LESS IS MORE.

Less can sometimes be more.  In toys.  In runnning.  In life.

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