Saturday, August 24, 2013

Try a Tri

In my running "career," I've tried a few different types of runs.  To me, doing the same thing over and over, either a training run through the same neighborhood or the same race, gets to be boring.  When it gets boring, running becomes more of a job than a fun hobby and, at least for me, I'm less likely to stick with it.  To "spice it up" I like doing different types of runs.  So far, I have participated in 5k runs, 10k runs, obstacle runs, and the Florida Keys Ragnar Relay.  Each has been a blast in their own way and they keep it fun.

In my quest to find new and exciting running events, I discovered this:
(Any guesses as to what that is or what it has to do with running?)

If you're wondering, that's Alcatraz and the running event is the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.  It's a 1.5 mile swim, an 18 mile bike ride, and an 8 mile run.  Sounds like fun, right?  Well, then there's the 51 degree water and air temperature last year.  Not exactly what us Florida boys are accustomed to.

It seemed like maybe instead of traveling all the way across the country and making that my first triathlon, I should start with something a little closer to home and a little shorter duration.  It seemed like the logical choice was the Mack Cycle Triathlon Trilogy.  A "short" sprint distance 400m swim, 10 mile bike and 5k seemed like a good way to ease into it and try something new in the running world.  So that is up next.  We'll see how it goes and see how it works for preparing for the "big" Escape from Alcatraz, but mostly it's about trying new, fun, adventurous activities to keep the running fun and build up to the next big thing.

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