Monday, August 26, 2013

The Road You Take

Have you ever started something new and been SO overwhelmed by people telling you what you are doing wrong that you tend to lose the joy (or never even FIND the joy) in what you are doing?

Sometimes we feel so passionately about things that in our over-eagerness to help others, we end up cramming our opinions down their throat and turning them off to something exciting.  Sometimes we can make others feel judged because they do not choose the same road that we do.  Don't let someone take away the joy in something that is working for you, or that you love, because they don't agree with it or they feel the need to push their opinion on you.

If you want to be a vegetarian, DO IT.
If you want to go paleo, DO IT.
If you want to train for an ironman, or a marathon, or an ultra, DO IT.

Make informed decisions about your life, and don't let fear of anyone's opinions shape your own road. 

And as you do it, be sure you surround yourself with people who will lift you up instead of putting you down.  Because the reality is that when you make big changes in your life, there will be haters.  People who are jealous because you are doing what they can't (or won't).  People who feel threatened by your new-found confidence and knowledge.  If your friends don't support you, its possible they aren't that good of friends. 

When I was growing up, I was a conformist . . . I was always SO worried about fitting in that I would do what others did just so I (the short, overweight girl with the divorced parents) would not stick out more than I already did.  I literally did not find my own road until a few years ago.  In the past couple of years, I have been surprised to have a few people I considered good friends turn spiteful and negative toward me.  It was unexpected and a bit shocking.  Because of the way I train.  Because of what I chose to eat.

So be careful before you judge someone on a different road.  Unless you've walked in their shoes, you don't know their journey.  Don't judge them, and maybe, just MAYBE they won't judge you.   Because there is no better friend than the one you can tell anything to, without the fear of being judged.

Rock on, friends, and happy Monday.

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