Friday, August 9, 2013

Runner 101 - Recovery

This running thing is hard.  Obviously.

I truly believe the challenge of running is letting go of the "I can't" in your mind.  But like all exercise, running breaks your body down.  You must allow for recovery in order to stay healthy and get stronger.  Here are some tips to help aid in recovery.

Honor the rest day
Run streaks are all the fad these days.  I don't know what to think of them.  Whether you are starting out with Couch 2 5K or are training for a marathon, honor your rest day.  Don't skip over it.  Your body needs a real day off to fully recovery.  Don't consider cross training a rest day.  REST DAY MEANS REST!!

Legs up the wall

This move is so darn basic its almost ridiculous.  But placing your legs up a wall helps stretch your hammies and glutes while simultaneously allowing lactic acid to drain from your muscles. Win win!

If something hurts, address it
Injury occurs when you are in pain and you ignore it.  There is a fine line between pressing outside your comfort zone and listening to your body.  Your muscles will ache--that is normal.  But if something HURTS, address it.  If the soles of your feet hurt, put a tennis ball on the floor and roll it over the places that are achy.  Its like a foot massage while you are eating dinner with your family--win win!    And gentle stretching is always an excellent idea when you are done running.  Just remember not to bounce around--be gentle and kind to your body after doing all the work.  Simply standing in mountain pose and engaging your muscles can also be therapeutic, especially the morning after a taxing workout.

I wish someone would have told me how awesome compression is when I was first starting out.  I became a true believe after Aspaeris sponsored our Ragnar team last year. (That's what I'm wearing in the picture above.)  I have several pairs of them--sometimes I run in them, but I ALWAYS wear them after a hard workout for recovery.  Magic pants.  Really.   And while they look dorky (or at least according to my hubby)  compression socks or sleeves also help with calf soreness, if that is something that plagues you. 

Ice Baths
Not worth it unless you are training for a longer distance event, but ice baths really do work.  Its exactly what it sounds like--ice in the water, and your lower extremities need to be covered.  Bribe someone to make you coffee.  Another recovery tidbit I would never have believed if I hadn't experienced it for myself. 

The quicker your body recovers, the sooner you will be ready to get out there again.  Happy running!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! The love/hate relationship with the ice bath. Works. Do it. I even did one after a 15 miler a couple weeks ago cuz I felt like crap on the run and knew it would only get worse.

    Ran 18 last week, stopped at the gas station for a bag of ice on the way home. I didn't feel bad but knew it would only get worse.

    See a theme? I'm running 20 this weekend. Yep, I'll ice. And for the record, I haven't been doing anything without my Aspaeris Pivot Shorts now that my hammies are jacked up. Live in those things.
